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Wives of UK Healds, arranged by wife's surname

COPYRIGHT NOTE: The information on these pages is principally derived from the LDS International Genealogical Index (IGI); the LDS Ancestral File; the 1851, 1881 and 1901 UK Censuses; the LDS British Vital Records CDs (2nd edition); CheshireBMD, LancashireBMD, and YorkshireBMD; the FreeBMD project; and contributions from individual researchers. It is presented here strictly for the purpose of noncommercial scholarship, in line with international standards of copyright Fair Use. Do not reuse this material commercially, or in any way likely to upset the LDS or HMSO; and do not reproduce it without this message.
Raw data © Crown Copyright / © LDS 1980-2001 / © others. Analysis and arrangement © J.Heald 2001-2006.

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The standard of proof used to consolidate these listings is current best guess (not 'absolute cast-iron certainty') -- so do not necessarily trust every suggested link, eg between a birth and a subsequent marriage, or consolidation, eg between different census returns. The listings have been mostly compiled from published indexes: you are strongly advised to check out wherever possible the original underlying documents, which may contain further information that could contradict the assumptions here.

Also be very aware that the listings are far from complete. There are many more Healds whose parishes have not yet been included in the IGI or VRI; many Healds lost or mistranscribed in both the 1881 and 1901 censuses; and many more still to transcribe at FreeBMD (latest progress). Just because there is only one Heald listed in a given place with a given name at a particular date, it is not necessarily safe to assume that they must definitely be the person you are looking for.

If there is any information you can add or correct, please contact me at j.heald@ucl.ac.uk.

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m.11Feb1734William /HEALD/Jane /RABY/LANChorley, St LawrenceLINKVRI2; FHL 1517686 LDS 1985414 & 458666
m.6Apr1815John /HEALD/Mary /RADFORD/DBYShirlandLINKVRI2; INDX pallot FHL 496705
m.26Apr1604William /HEALD/Elizabeth /RADLEY/LANManchesterLINK LDS 458991 & A458987
m.28Apr1679William /HEELD/Jane /RAINTREE/YKSAlneLINKM073783
m. Q31887John William /HEALD/Sarah Jane /RAMSBOTTOM/LANArdwick, St ThomasLINKLanBMD; GRO 8c 800 (Chorlton) LanBMD 21/4/355 // b. Leeds YKS, 1858
m.16Jul1797David /HEALD/Ann /RAMSDEN/YKSDewsburyLINKM009053; // b. 1776; see also 1803
m. Q41859Mark /HEALD/Jane /RAMSDEN/YKSLeeds, St PeterLINKYksBMD; Yks-LS CE46/58/173 // b. 1838
m. Q41879Luke /HEALD/Elizabeth /RAMSDEN/LANOldham, St MaryLINKLanBMD; GRO 8d 805 LanBMD CE235/24/17 // b. 1859
m.4Mar1827James /HEALD/Mary /RATCLIFF/CHSWilmslowLINKVRI2
m. Q11890Andrew /HEALD/Winifred /RATCLIFFE/LANChorley, Register OfficeLINKLanBMD; GRO 8e 661 LanBMD RO/23/21 REL 5 // b. 1862
m.4Nov1827John /HIELDS/Isabella /RATHMELL/YKSLeeds, Saint PeterLINKM071933
m.8May1750John /HEELD/Mary /RAVEN/LINSpaldingLINKM031562
m.8Feb1635George /HEALD/Jjennett /RAYNER/YKSHartsheadLINKM009081; PR marr
m. Q41880George /HEALD/Sophia /RAYNER/YKSPontefractLINKFreeBMD; GRO 9c 133 // b. 1853
m.26May1714John /HEALD/Mary /RAYSELL/KENSaint Werburgh HooLINKM131462
m.29Jun1606Robert /HEALD/Isabell /READ/YKSWhitkirkLINKPR; PR xxx
m.31Oct1807Thomas /HEALD/Ellen /READ/LANPreston, Saint JohnLINKM007132; // to Blackburn 1824
m.10Jul1766Joseph /HEALD/Mary /READE/LANChorleyLINK AFN:LX3Q-XP; LDS A458661 & batch 7328902 // b. 1744
m. Q41893Charles /HEALD/[Charlotte /REANEY/]YKSSheffieldLINKFreeBMD; (?m2) GRO 9c 790 // b. 1863
m.27Dec1659John /HELD/Elizabeth /REDDING/LNDLondon, Allhallows London WallLINKM000851
m.26Aug1661Thomas /HEELD/Jane /REDDISH/CHSPrestburyLINK LDS A455138 & batch 7611338
m. Q21894Edgar /HEALD/[Amy /REDFEARN/]YKSDewsburyLINKFreeBMD; GRO 9b 895 // b. 1872
m.1Nov1809William /HEALD/Mary /REDFORD/YKSSheffield, Cathedral Saint PeterLINKM007759
m.17Mar1822Charles /HEALD/Sophia /REDMORE/YKSSculcoatesLINKM009152; AFN:11LS-K06; REL 28 29 // b. Wakefield 1802
m.  1907John W /HEALD/Sarah E /RENDER/YKSMorley, St PeterLINKYksBMD; Yks-LS CE115/C/323
m.30Jun1895John William /HEALD/Sarah /RENSHAW/NTTWarsop, St Peter and St PaulLINK LDS --
m.30Oct1906Samuel /HEALD/Jessie /RENSHAW/NTTMansfield WoodhouseLINK LDS -- // b. 1889
m. Q41867Joseph /HEALD/[Elizabeth /RENSTEN/]YKSWakefieldLINKFreeBMD; GRO 9c 24 // b. Harby NTT, 1846
m.6Sep1808Richard /HEILD/Ester /REX/LANManchesterLINK LDS 177859 & 178014 & 456274 & A456274 (rel. James Hampson BRADSHAW)
m. Q21861William /HEALD/Elizabeth /RICHARDS/YKSWakefieldLINKFreeBMD; GRO 9c 31
m.1Mar1810John /HEALD/Elizabeth /RICHARDSON/NTTMansfieldLINKVRI2; PR marr INDX pallot FHL 503790
m.9Mar1828Benjamin /HEALD/Sarah /RICHARDSON/YKSBatleyLINKM108081; // cf Halifax 1829
m.21Nov1895James /HEALD/Fanny /RICHARDSON/LANPreston, ChristchurchLINKVRI2; GRO 8e 910 LanBMD 248/2/317 FHL 1470817 // b. WES, 1868
m.  1875Matthew /HEALD/Elizabeth /RICHMOND/YKSNew Wortley, St John The BaptistLINKYksBMD; Yks-LS CE55/A/223
m. Q41875Frederick /HEALD/Emma Caroline /RICKARDS/LANWigan, Register OfficeLINKLanBMD; GRO 8c 123 LanBMD ROW/42/49 // b. 1839; to Preston 1877
m.  1839William /HEALD/Rachael /RIDGWAY/LANManchester, RegistrarLINKLanBMD; LanBMD MCR_RM/2/181 // b. 1818
m. Q21858James /HEALD/Mary /RIDING/LANCoppull, Parish ChurchLINKLanBMD; GRO 8e 440 (Chorley) LanBMD C12/1/51 // b. 1830
m.21Sep1858Matthew /HEALD/Elizabeth /RILEY/LANChorley, Saint GeorgeLINKM162742; LanBMD C7/2/184 VRI FHL 1526078 // b. 1836; to Wigan 1860
m. Q41874John /HEALD/[Jane /RIMMER/]LANOrmskirkLINKFreeBMD; GRO 8b 1062 // b. 1854
m.2Oct1603John /HEALD/Jane /ROADES/YKSWhitkirkLINKM009784; PR xxx
m.12Apr1613William /HEALD/Jennet /ROBERTS/YKSAckworthLINKM005934
m. Q41854John /HEALD/[Harriet /ROBERTS/]YKSSheffieldLINKFreeBMD; GRO 9c 291 // b. 1832
m. Q21905Joseph /HEALD/Rose Hannah /ROBERTS/LANWarrington, St ElphinLINKChsBMD; GRO 8c 277 Chs-WA C25/18/124 REL 1 // b. 1878
m.29May1858Jonathan /HEALD/Margaret /ROBERTSHAW/LANManchester, CathedralLINKM097894
m.19May1778Richd. /HEELD/Frances /ROBINSON/YKSEscrickLINKM105133; REL 15 // b. 1747 -REL
m. Q21860James /HEALD/Mary Ann /ROBINSON/DURStocktonLINKFreeBMD; GRO 10a 126 // b. Wakefield YKS, 1838
m.17May1869William /HEALD/Sarah /ROBINSON/LANChorley, Saint GeorgeLINKM162742; LanBMD C7/3/213 GRO 8e 563 VRI FHL 1526078 // b. 1845
m. Q21873Reuben /HEALD/Mary Hannah /ROBINSON/YKSDewsbury, <Heckmondwike>LINKFreeBMD; GRO 9b 859 // b. 1850
m.5May1716Robert /HYELD/Hester /ROBUCK/DBYChapel En Le FrithLINKM048512
m. Q41875Walter /HEALD/Margaret Ann /RODGERS/CHSSutton, St GeorgeLINKChsBMD; GRO 8a 237 Chs-CE SGS/3/334
m. Q21888Hugh /HEALD/Florence /RODICK/LNDHampsteadLINKFreeBMD; GRO 1a 1160 // b. LAN, 1860; to Ormskirk LAN, 1889
Rodick /HEALD/ Q31889[Hugh /HEALD/][Florence /RODICK/]LANOrmskirkLINK(Other 1901) GRO 8b 815 CEN 1901 (Wetheral, CUL) // m. Hampstead LND, 1888
m.2Nov1789William /HEALD/Frances /ROEBUCK/NTTEast RetfordLINK LDS batch 7121502
m. Q31888William /HEALD/[Beatrice Hanford /ROGERS/]NTTBasfordLINKFreeBMD; GRO 7b 236 // b. 1862
m.2Oct1920George Arthur /HEALD/Ellen Elizabeth /ROGERS/DBYBurrow AshLINK LDS 1903826 // b. 1898
m.29May1747William /HEALD/Ann /ROLLISON/LANChorley, St LawrenceLINKVRI2; FHL 1517686
Ann /HEALD/20Nov1616Richard /HEALD/Eliza. /ROMSBOTHOME/LANLancaster, Saint MaryLINKP005901; PR bap // illegitimate
m.10Sep1900Herbert /HEALD/Laura /ROSE/YKSDoncasterLINKFreeBMD; AFN:C5TN-HM; GRO 9c 1201 LDS batch 8034731 // b. 1871
m.25Sep1859Daniel /HEALD/Mary /ROSTHORNE/LANPreston, Saint JohnLINKM007133; GRO 8e 593 LanBMD 229/19/153 // b. 1832; to Chorley 1863
Mary /HEALD/15Sep1865Daniel /HEALD/Mary [/ROSTRUM/]LANChorleyLINKP005702; (m. John /SEDDON/ 1887 -VRI) CEN 1881
Elsabeth /HEALDE/6Dec1601Thomas /HEALDE/Alice /ROTHWELL/LANBury, Saint MaryLINKP007051; LDS 178037 & 962439
m.10Aug1635John /HEALD/Ellen /ROTHWELL/LANChorleyLINKPR; PR marr LDS A458623
m.9Oct1842Joseph /HEALD/Charlotte /ROTHWELL/LANManchester, CathedralLINKM097891; LanBMD CATH/27/252 GRO 20 371 REL 11 // see 1852
John /HEALD/20Jul1852Joseph /HEALD/Charlotte /ROTHWELL/LANManchester, CathedralLINKCert; GRO 8d 324 // m. 1842
m.10Apr1699Robt. /HEALD/Grace /ROUSE/YKSWakefield, All SaintsLINKM018301
m. Q11889John /HEALD/Mary Jane /ROUTLEDGE/LANHulme, St PhilipLINKLanBMD; GRO 8c 956 (Chorlton) LanBMD 71/2/488 REL 14 // b. CHS, 1863; to Grantham LIN, 1892
Thomas Hugh /HEALD/27Feb1892John /HEALD/Mary Jane /ROUTLEDGE/LINIrnhamLINKREL; (m. Maud /LOFTHOUSE/ -REL) GRO 7a 385 (Bourne) CEN 1901 (Woolsthorpe) // m. LAN, 1889
m.26Mar1843Jeremiah /HEALD/Ann /ROWBOTHAM/LANManchester, CathedralLINKM097891; GRO 20 504 LanBMD CATH/30/16 // b. Dewsbury YKS, 1819; to Staley CHS, 1844, CHS, 1852 Hyde CHS, 1859
Joseph Henry /HEALD/  1844Jeremiah /HEALD/[Ann /ROWBOTHAM/]CHS<Staley>LINKVRI2; (m. Elizabeth /DENERLEY/ 1865) GRO 20 128 (Ashton) Chs-TA NEW/5/47 (Newton) // m. Manchester LAN, 1843
Tom /HEALD/ Abt1852Jerimiah /HEALD/Ann [/ROWBOTHAM/]CHSNewtonLINK(m. Mary; d. 8 Feb 1893) CEN 1881 (Hyde) WILL 1893 // m. LAN, 1843; to Hyde 1859
m.3Dec1636Johannes /HEALD/Dorothea /ROYLE/CHSAlderleyLINKE130711; (b. 1620 -AF) AFN:3500-H1; PR marr LDS -- & A170729 & 183557 & 184304 & A184636 & 962064 & 1239589 (rel. Jonathan H. HALE)
Thomas /HEALD/19Jan1650John /HEALD/Dorothy /ROYLE/---ConcordLINK LDS --
m. Abt.1653Thomas /HEALD/Dorothy /ANDROSS/CHSOfLINK LDS -- // I don't think so
m.4Feb1806John /HEALD/Hannah /ROYLE/LANFlixtonLINKM005221
m.  1867James /HEALD/Elizabeth /ROYLE/LANPendleton, St ThomasLINKLanBMD; Lan-SD C38/1/413
m. Q31876William /HEALD/Agnes /ANDREWS/YKSLeeds, Registered BuildingLINKFreeBMD; GRO 9b 764 Yks-LS RB/60/134 // b. 1854
m. Q21847George /HEALDS/[Jane /RUDD/]YKSMaltonLINKFreeBMD; GRO 24 471 // b. Leeds 1819; see also 1854
m.17Jul1875Alfred /HEALD/Margaret /RUSHTON/LANBlackburn, St ThomasLINKVRI2; FHL 1470818 // b. 1850
m. Q21849Frederic /HEALD/[Ann /RUSSELL/]YKSHuddersfieldLINKFreeBMD; GRO 22 272 // b. 1823; see also 1860
m.25Dec1873John /HEALD/Sarah /RUTTER/LANManchester, CathedralLINKM097897; GRO 8d 494 REL 12 // b. 1854
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